Albacore Tuna – (Thunnus alalunga) This pelagic and migratory species is abundant in Canary water during the winter and spring months – but are never far away. Some runs of Albacore tuna around the islands can contain specimens close to…

Bigeye Tuna – (Thunnus obesus) Bigeye Tuna is a pelagic and seasonally migratory species is the closest we get to a local Canary tuna. Though most abundant during winter months – they are caught throughout the year. The All tackle…

Thunnus albacaresYellowfin Tuna FishingYellowfin Tuna fishing season in Tenerife varies slightly throughout the year. High season is August to December. Low season is January till July. Some very large Yellowfin specimens have been seen lately – so expect some kind…

Bluefin Tuna Tenerife - (Thunnus thynnus) In recent years Bluefin Tuna in Tenerife, the Canary Islands have enjoyed steady, dependable and long term visits from this pelagic, schooling and highly migratory species. The smallest fish form the largest schools and…