First Mate
Brief info

Frank lives in Tenerife, having a career of a sportfishing professional for over 10 years. Starting off as a mate. Frank has fished with many Captains in his time and has now a valued member of the 'Rodfather' team. “The position of mate is critically important” says Frank. “For most, it’s the first job in which they are paid to fish”.

The mate’s responsibilities vary from boat to boat but fundamentally they involve fishing, rigging baits, cleaning and learning how to maintain the boat and operate the many systems that comprise a modern sportfisherman. Franks main work as first mate in Tenerife South, on the ‘Rodfather’.
Frank commented, “ I have had the pleasure of fishing for 6 years with the ‘Rodfather’ crew. That for me has been a great pleasure and I very much look forward to our next adventure.